#1 Coffee RoasterlCHD Family ownedl Veteran Owned

Partner With Us

The Children's Heart Foundation

The Children's Heart Foundation is the leading organization solely dedicated to the research funding for congenital heart defects (CHDs). Your purchase supports our mission: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research. Funded research has increased survival, quality of life, and longevity for Heart Warriors, and honors the Heart Angels we have lost. Since 1996, the Foundation has funded nearly $14 million of difference-making CHD research and scientific collaboration, across 130 research grants, data sharing and benchmarking, and pediatric cardiology fellowship.

Stop Soldier Suicide

Stop Soldier Suicide (SSS) provides consistent, confidential, trauma-informed care free of charge to service members and veterans at highest risk for suicide. The goal is to bring military suicide rates down 40 percent by 2030, saving some 2,400 lives a year. Learn more or donate at StopSoldierSuicide.org.

The Kirstie Ennis Foundation

We are a 501(c)3 that was built to inspire perseverance and encourage potential in every body regardless of adversity. Kirstie Ennis is an incredible example of that. After joining the Marine Corps to serve others, Sergeant Ennis was injured when her helicopter crashed on her second deployment to Afghanistan and she was forced into medical retirement. After struggling through over 40 surgeries, including an amputation, she was in search of a way to be of service again.


HeartWorks builds hearts and creates positive outcomes for people born with congenital heart defects. Through our revolutionary platform, we tap the best ideas and advance them through trials and onto therapies that give children and adults with CHD an opportunity to live fulfilling lives.

Camp Hope

Camp Hope is a 501(c)(3), all volunteer, non-profit focused on veterans wounded in the War on Terror. Its mission is to honor our fallen by helping our wounded, and since 2007, hundreds of war-wounded veterans have enjoyed the camaraderie and opportunity for outdoor adventure with dignity for free because donations go directly to the mission.

LJ's Healing Hearts

Our mission is to provide financial and well being support for families impacted by congenital heart defects.

The Mended Hearts, Inc

The Mended Hearts, Inc. is the nation’s premier peer-support program for patients who have cardiovascular disease, their caregivers and their families. Since its humble beginning in 1951, Mended Hearts® has served millions by providing support and education, bringing awareness to issues that those living with heart disease face, and advocating to improve quality of life across the lifespan..

Adult Congenital Heart Association

Founded in 1998, the Adult Congenital Heart Association is an organization begun by and dedicated to supporting individuals and families living with congenital heart disease and advancing the care and treatment available to our community.We do this through a wide and growing range of programs, services and activities. These include our National and Regional Conferences, accreditation program, educational materials, website, outreach and advocacy efforts, research program, and events to raise money and increase awareness.

Hearts 4 Henry

Our mission is to raise awareness and money to help with medical and living costs for families that have kids with CHD.

Books That Heal

Books That Heal is a 501(c)(3) organization that helps pediatric patients battling chronic illnesses write and illustrate their very own children's books to become published authors and illustrators! Learn more at www.booksthatheal.org

Eden's Army

Eden’s Army is a foundation created to support the Heart Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, in memory of Eden Elizabeth Neville who bravely fought an infection for 28 days. Our foundation supports the Heart Center in three main ways: 1) Taking care of the moms and dads by helping to fund the Perinatal Behavioral Health Service program. A specialist provides screenings and interventions for parents showing anxiety and depression. 2) The launch and sustainability of the Beads of Courage (BOC) program. The BOC program allows patients to document their treatment journey with colorful beads. 3) Providing mini miracles in various ways as needed from the Heart Center: gift cards, travel size toiletries, fleece blankets, books etc. For more information please visit: www.edensarmy.com

CT Heart Camp

CTHeart Camp is dedicated to providing children with congenital heart disease a chance to participate in a traditional camp experience while learning that they are not alone in their journey. This unique community of children will celebrate fun, friendship and the freedom to grow as an individual in a safe and nurturing environment.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

The Special Operations Warrior Foundation’s enduring promise to America’s Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps Special Operations personnel is to: (1) Ensure full financial assistance for post-secondary education from an accredited two or your-year college, university, technical or trade school, as well as educational counseling, preschool grants, private tutoring, college planning and career transition programs to surviving children of Special Operations personnel who lose their lives in the line-of duty- and the children of Special Operators awarded the Medal of Honor. (2) Provide immediate financial grants to severely wounded, ill, and injured Special Operations personnel who require hospitalization.

St. James Catholic School

Building a education foundation blended with caring for others.

Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation

The mission of the Ollie Hinkle heart Foundation is to address the unmet needs of heart families while transforming the future of pediatric heart care. Our Vision is every heart child and family will be wrapped in love to eliminate the traumas endured by living with a chronic illness. We achieve this by Uniting heart families & clinicians through community, Access without barriers, Lifelong Support, Connecting the technical & human-side of care, and through education, empowerment, and advocacy. Visit: www.theohhf.org to learn more

Freedom Jam USA

Freedom JAM is a non profit enterprise focused on supporting other Veteran and First responders through proceed donations via their high impact concert serires..

How To Partner with Us to Raise Donations for Your Nonprofit

  • Have a strong social media following
  • Maintain a solid social media presence
  • Be responsive to collaboration communications in a timely manner